I've been receiving some comments from some of you guys (I do read the comments you people make), and have received some mail, both inspiring and, well, some that make me glad I've never put my address on the site. I really only like to post new comments whenever there's actually something to post about - random comments about nothing are just like twitter, and we all know how much I loathe twitter.
Oh, you didn't know I hated twitter? well I do. A lot.
Anyway, lately I've been feeling like I just kind of left everyone who actually still cares (How or why is a miracle in itself) in the dark on what's going on with my stuff. I recently received a personal message from a fan, which I replied to and essentially summed up everything I want to actually explain in layman's terms:
At 3/19/10 7:40 PM, Planeswalker1 wrote: Are you ever going to do Madness Mini 6? The others were very good.
I'd give about a 45% chance that the movie is ever going to be completed. Although I started it long ago, I never got far into it (Literally, only a few hundred frames) and have honestly lost my urge to animate at all.
I'm hopeful that one day my animation 'pang' will return, but don't hold your breath.
That is, essentially, everything I can say at this point. Call it whatever you want, but I call it creativity block, and it's been going on since I began (or tried to) Madness Mini 6 in early 2008. Like I said in the PM, perhaps one day it'll go away, perhaps one day I'll get that urge to create back, but at the moment, animation is basically a hollow process for me, and nothing good comes from doing something you don't want to do.
Anyway, not trying to be a downer or anything, I'm just telling you people like it is, because I know (for the most part) you're all mature enough to take the truth without going ballistic (although past experiences may prove otherwise).
In the meantime, this is where I get off.
It isn't going to just hit you in the head out of nowhere. I'd suggest going out there and finding inspiration. Take a break from it all and find something that brings out that creativity you feel is blocked.
I've honestly put a LOT of deep thought into exactly what you're saying here. I really cannot come up with anything more than animation just not being fun any more. Now that I have a series that is essentially 'expected", it kind of puts a constraint on that creative process; not one which exactly stops me from doing whatever i want, just one that makes me feel like my art isn't actually art, it's more of a goal that is inevitably expected of me. It's very difficult to explain or grasp and goes a lot deeper than that; I'm still pondering it very often.
But yes, I absolutely need to be broadening my horizons - I've always held the adage that if you do something well, ANYTHING well enough, it transcends into a form of art on it's own. It's different however, as it sometimes isn't a conventional form of art - it's a personal kind of art that only you can replicate/understand. I may have to use this tactic eventually.