It's been so fucking long since i've had a clear enough connection to actually get online. Allow me to save the cuture shock from arising later, and say that all of my work on Madness Mini 6, Madness: Pie 3, and quite a few side projects have been deleted.
About a month ago, my computer began having issues with loading parameters, someting i have absolutely no knowledge or expertise in. I brushed it off as asimple error, among the many others my computer has. Allow me to say right now, that My computer is an HP. So, around four days later, I decided to work a little bit on Madness: Pie 3. I went to open my animations folder, where I keep every project I work on, only to recieve, instead of the window holding years with of work, a popup reading "Invalid Link parameters. File could not be found." I'm pretty sure i lost about half my head of hair after reading that, but I always over react at first glance, and i always find a solution afterwards. After calming myself down, I decide to look this problem up on the internet. I went to open my internet connectiuon program, and what to expect, but the same popup, with the same "Inval parameters" message. I'm a little pissed, and kind of worried at this point. I hastily try to move into my animations folder via "My Computer", but alas, the file could not be found. Files, actually. That's a plural.
I ask everyone I know; no one has a ding damn idea what the fuck is going on. HP's got a help desk, which would almost certainly know what kind of underhanded asscrack seeped it's way into my hard drive. I called them up, and get a nice, happy "Welcome to Hewlett Packard Customer service, how may I help you?" I kindly explain my problem, detail by detail. "I'm going to elevate you to level 2 tech support." The nice lady said - Nothing unexpected, the underlings at the level one tech support desk only work on total retards, or generally dumb and easily fixable issues. I hold for about four minutes, when another character, obviously a level 2 techie, comes on the line. i get greeted by the same cheery welcome, and I explain again what's up with my computer. "I'll search that up right now, sir." he says. I'm hoping he has the answer, and I can get my fucking files back. He asks me to read off the serial code and shit. I read it all off, and, most likely with the answer right on his fucking screen, replies with a "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid i can't help you." I blink a few times, and then kindly respond "Why?" He responds "The warranty on your computer has already expired." Hand to my chin, I respond again, "Warrany is for repairs on the computer itself, not on customer support." He sighs for a second, and then gives me "Toshiba's Customer service is supplied in the warranty. I cannot help you, unless you purchase a new warranty. If you would like, i can offer you a - " I set the phone down right there. All he was going to do now was offer me shit I couldn't afford. I'm surprised at this point I hadn't begun cussing the fuck out of him. Years woth of animations hung in the balance of this company's lust for money over customer service. I kindly decline and hang up, all the while gritting my teeth, and go back to my computer, which had been off the whole time. I turn it on, and it blue screens before it canget to the windows startup page.
Long story short, Windows is trashed. Files, gone. I didn't have time to back up, nor did I have a backup device to use. A lot of important projects for school and stuff was deleted as well, so it just goes to show you how important computers are to IRL.
tl;dr, computer's trashed, HP's a useless wanker. Sorry to fans, but I've totally lost any inititive to animate any of those projects. I may begin again sometime, but having a project that you were 83% completed on deleted in one day really messes with your motivation.
that's why you don't trust computers. They always break down.
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